Seminar: The Phonologies of
2002 Mondays 2:10-5:00 文學院413
Your teacher:
James Myers
Office: 文學院
Tel: 31506
Office hours: Wed. 2-4
You will learn how the languages of Taiwan can contribute to the development of phonological theory by reading and discussing theoretical papers and conducting your own original research.
10%: Class participation
40%: Leading discussion
50%: Term paper (due 6/17)
This class is mostly a discussion class. Almost all we will do is read real papers and discuss them together. So class participation means you're active in the class: you read, think, talk, and respond to others' ideas.
Every week somebody will lead the discussion on that week's paper. The discussion leader should NOT summarize the whole paper. Instead, she or he should act as a teacher, first giving us a general overview of the main points of the paper, and then aski ng us questions that can inspire us to discuss together. You are encouraged to ask questions that even YOU don't know how to answer, but keep your discussion organized. That means you should bring the focus back to the big issues if we get lost.
The other important part of the class is to prepare a term paper with an original analysis of a phonological pattern in any language of Taiwan. You should choose a topic by 4/15 so you have time during the semester to do a good job on it. The paper its elf should be short (about 15 pages maximum, in English), with formatting like the real published papers we read. On the last day of class, you'll give a short, informal and ungraded presentation on your research. The paper is due one week later (6/17), i n my mailbox by 5 pm.
Schedule (may be changed later)
[* marks when stuff related to your term paper is due]
Week |
Topic/Activity |
Readings |
2/25 |
The languages of Taiwan |
3/4 |
Review of phonological theory |
3/11 |
Mandarin: syllables (plus dialect variation) |
Duanmu (2000) |
3/18 |
Mandarin: tone sandhi & psycholinguistics |
Peng (2000) |
3/25 |
Mandarin: lexical phonology |
Packard (1998) |
4/1 |
SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!! |
4/8 |
Southern Min: tone sandhi & syntax |
Chen (1987) |
*4/15 |
Southern Min: tone sandhi & psycholinguistics |
Hsieh (1976), |
4/22 |
Southern Min: autosegmental phonology |
Chung (1995) |
4/29 |
Hakka: ??? |
??? |
5/6 |
Tagalog: reduplication |
Carrier-Duncan (1984) |
5/13 |
Ilokano: syllables & reduplication |
Hayes & Abad (1989) |
5/20 |
Tsou: vowels and consonants |
Hsin (1999a,b) |
5/27 |
Thao: reduplication |
Chang (1998) |
6/3 |
Taiwan Sign Language: OT |
Ann & Peng (2000) |
*6/10 |
Presentations (last class) |
*6/17 |
Class readings
Ann, J., and Peng L. (2000) "Optimality and opposed handshapes in Taiwan Sign Language." University of Rochester Working Papers in the Language Sciences 1(2):173-194.
Carrier-Duncan, Jill (1984) "Some problems with prosodic accounts of reduplication." In M. Aronoff and R. Oehrle (eds.) Language Sound Structure, 260-286. MIT Press.
Chang, M. Laura (1998) "Thao reduplication." Oceanic Linguistics 38:298-322.
Chen, M. Y. (1987) "The syntax of Xiamen tone sandhi." Phonology Yearbook 4:109-149.
Chung, R.-F. (1995) "Nasalization." In The Segmental Phonology of Southern Min in Taiwan, pp. 159-203.
Duanmu, S. (2000) "The syllable" (pp. 77-95) and "Taiwanese accented Standard Chinese" (pp. 263-267). Selections from The Phonology of Standard Chinese. Oxford University Press.
Hayes, B. and Abad, M. (1989) "Reduplication and syllabification in Ilokano." Lingua 77:331-374.
Hsieh, H.-I. (1976) "On the unreality of some phonological rules," Lingua 38:1-19.
Hsin, T.-H. (1999a) "Rhythmic vowel deletion in Tsou." ESCOL 15:107-117.
Hsin, T.-H. (1999b) "Consonant clusters in Tsou and their theoretical implications." WCCFL 18:207-219.
Packard, J. L. (1998) "A lexical phonology of Mandarin Chinese." In J. L. Packard (ed.) New Approaches to Chinese Word Formation, pp. 311-327. Mouton de Gruyter.
Peng, S.-H. (2000) "Lexical versus 'phonological' representations of Mandarin sandhi tones." In M. B. Broe and J. B. Pierrehumbert (eds.) Papers in Laboratory Phonology V: Acquisition and the Lexicon, pp. 152-167.
Wang, H. S. (1995) "The tone sandhi phenomenon." In Experimental Studies in Taiwanese Phonology, 47-65. Crane Publishing Co.
Other sources on phonology or the languages of Taiwan
Archangeli, Diana, & D. Terence Langendoen (1997) Optimality Theory: An Overview. Blackwell.
Carr, Philip (1993) Phonology. MacMillan.
Cheng, Chin-Chuan (1973) A Synchronic Phonology of Mandarin Chinese. Mouton. 鍾榮富譯 (民83) 國語的共時音韻。文鶴出版社 。
Goldsmith, John A. (1995) The Handbook of Phonological Theory. Blackwell.
Kager, Rene. (1999) Optimality Theory. Cambridge University Press.
Katamba, Francis (1989) An Introduction to Phonology. Longman.
Kenstowicz, Michael (1994) Phonology in Generative Grammar. Blackwell.
The Rutgers Optimality Archive