
Spring 2023            Wednesday 14:10-17:00            文學院413

課碼: 1305002

UPDATED 2023/5/18


How to find me

James Myers (麥傑)
Tel: x31506
Email: Lngmyers at the university address (ccu...)
Office hours: Wednesday 10-12, or by appointment (made at least 24 hours ahead)



You will learn to analyze phonological data, understand classic and current theories of phonology, design and run laboratory phonology experiments and corpus analyses, and read and write phonology papers, so that you can contribute to the development of phonological theory and apply its results to your own research.



Textbook: Gussenhoven, Carlos, and Haike Jacobs. 2017. Understanding phonology (fourth edition). Routledge. [“G&J”]

McCarthy, John J. 2008. Doing Optimality Theory: Applying theory to data. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [brief selections]

Ohala, John J. 1986. Consumer’s guide to evidence in phonology. Phonology Yearbook 3: 3-26.

Ito, Junko, Haruo Kubozono, Armin Mester, and Shin'ichi Tanaka. 2019. Kattobase: The linguistic structure of Japanese baseball chants. In Katherine Hout, Anna Mai, Adam McCollum, Sharon Rose and Matt Zaslansky (eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.



60% Homeworks (due by email by 12 noon on the day it is due)

40% Term paper (due 6/14, 5 pm, via email as a font-embedded PDF)


        There will be readings every week, including the handout for the following week’s class. Please try to read everything before class, since I want you to help me choose which parts we should focus on (there’s too much to discuss all of it in class)!

        Most weeks there will be a set of phonology exercises for homework, due one week after it’s handed out. Some will be ungraded practice questions for in-class discussion, and others will be for grading. You’re strongly encouraged to share ideas with your classmates in this class (not with students who have already taken this class and were told the answers!), but you have to write up your own answers. The homeworks will be made available via the eCourse2 system shortly before class. Your answers to the graded questions must be emailed to me as a Word file or PDF file by 12 noon on the day the homework is due. Name your file HWX_ID_Name (e.g. HW01_1234567_麥傑  or HW01_1234567_James) and include the same information in the actual text, at the top of the first page. I’ll also send you feedback on your homework via the eCourse2 system.

        One week we will discuss an actual phonology paper. I will lead this discussion, but hopefully everybody will have something to say. The discussion isn’t graded.

        The term paper (12 pages maximum, plus references, double-spaced, in English) should solve a theoretical problem posed by a specific phonological pattern in a specific language. You MUST decide on a paper topic by 5/5, when you present an informal introduction of your research plan.

        At the end of the semester (5/31), you’ll give a short conference-style presentation of your research. The presentation is ungraded; the main purpose is for you to get feedback.

        The term paper itself is due on 6/14, before 5 pm, as a PDF file emailed to me, with your ID number included in the filename. When I grade, I will focus on your academic style, logic, and understanding of the theoretical issues discussed in class.

        WARNING #1: Plagiarism (pretending that other people’s words and ideas are your own) is a serious crime and will not be tolerated. Homework or term papers containing plagiarism will receive a score of zero, and you will be reported to the department chair.

        WARNING #2: Submit your homework and term paper on time! Unless you have a really good excuse, you will lose 5 points for each day you are late. So don’t make yourself sick working overnight, but get your stuff done early enough.



* Marks when something related to your own paper is due

Note that we will not read the textbook chapters in order!





What’s phonology?


Phonological evidence

G&J ch. 1
Ohala (1986)


Phonetics vs. phonology

G&J ch. 2-3


Rules and constraints

G&J ch. 4 & ch. 7



G&J chs. 5-6
McCarthy (2008): How to construct an analysis



G&J ch. 9



G&J ch. 10






G&J ch. 14


Stress and feet

G&J ch. 11


Discuss Ito et al. (2019)

Ito et al. (2019)





Phonology above the word

G&J ch. 12


Levels of representation

G&J ch. 8



G&J ch. 13




Open discussion [last class]


(by 5 pm, via email)



Other useful phonological resources


General textbooks

Davenport, Mike, and S. J. Hannahs. 2011. Introducing phonetics and phonology (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.

de Lacy, Paul. 2007. The Cambridge handbook of phonology. Cambridge University Press.

Hannahs, S. J. and Anna Bosch (eds.) 2017. The Routledge handbook of phonological theory. Routledge.

Hayes, Bruce. 2008. Introductory phonology. Wiley-Blackwell.

Kager, René. 1999. Optimality Theory. Cambridge University Press.

Kennedy, Robert. 2016. Phonology: A Coursebook. Cambridge University Press.

Kenstowicz, Michael. 1994. Phonology in generative grammar. Blackwell.

Kula, Nancy C., Bert Botma, and Kuniya Nasukawa. 2011. Continuum companion to phonology. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.

McCarthy, John J. (ed.) 2003. Optimality Theory in phonology: A reader. Wiley-Blackwell.

Odden, David. 2005. Introducing phonology. Cambridge University Press.

Peng, Long. 2013. Analyzing sound patterns: An introduction to phonology. Cambridge University Press.

Roca, Iggy, and Wyn Johnson. 1999. A course in phonology. Blackwell.

Silverman, Daniel. 2006. A critical introduction to phonology: Of sound, mind, and body. London & New York: Continuum.

Sole, Maria-Josep, Patrice Speeter, and Manjari Ohala. 2007. Experimental approaches to phonology. Oxford University Press.

van Oostendorp, Marc, Colin J. Ewen, Elizabeth V. Hume, and Keren Rice. 2011. The Blackwell companion to phonology. John Wiley and Sons.


Some interesting languages

Brentari, Diane. 2019. Sign language phonology. Cambridge University Press.

Cheng, C.-C. 1973. A synchronic phonology of Mandarin Chinese. Mouton.

Chomsky, Noam, and Morris Halle. 1968. The sound pattern of English. MIT Press.

Chung, Rung-fu (鍾榮富). 1996. The segmental phonology of Southern Min in Taiwan (台灣閩南語的音段). Crane.

Duanmu, San. 2007. The phonology of Standard Chinese, second edition. Oxford University Press.