used in
previous semesters
[Updated 2025/1/22]
Ahrens, K. (1998). Lexical ambiguity resolution: Languages, tasks and timing. In D. Hillert (Ed.), Sentence processing: A cross-linguistic perspective (pp. 11-31). Academic Press.
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Chen, M.-H. (2004). Do Chinese readers represent the emotions of characters in narratives? Chinese Journal of Psychology, 46 (2-3), 171-179. {originally a term paper in this class!}
Chen, S. H., Chen, S. C., & He, T. H. (2012). Surface cues and pragmatic interpretation of given/new in Mandarin Chinese and English: A comparative study. Journal of Pragmatics, 44, 490-507.
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Lin, P. (2004). The semantic connotation of the Chinese bei-construction. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 46 (2-3), 197-212. {originally a term paper in this class!}
Liu, H.-M., Kuhl, P. K., & Tsao, F.-M. (2003). An association between mothers' speech clarity and infants' speech discrimination skills. Developmental Science, 6 (3), F1-F10.
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