Course code number: 1305542

Spring 2022            Wednesday 14:10-17:00            文學院 (Humanities) 413


Statistics resources


Your friendly guide:

James Myers (麥傑)

Office: 文學院 (Humanities) 247

Tel: x31506

Email: Lngmyers at the university address


Office hours: Wednesday 10 am - 12, or by appointment (made at least 24 hours ahead)



This course will try to teach you the fundamentals of statistical analysis, plus give you a taste of programming and more advanced methods, focusing on linguistic data (phonetics, psycholinguistics, child language, sociolinguistics, corpus analysis, grammar research, language teaching), so that you can apply what you’ve learned to your own data.



Myers, J. (2021). Yet another statistics-for-linguists book.* National Chung Cheng University ms. [*The most updated chapters will be in the E-Course system.]



Microsoft Excel

R: <>



25% Graded homework 1 (due 3/23)

25% Graded homework 2 (due 4/20)

25% Graded homework 3 (due 5/18)

25% Statistical report (due 6/15)


       Each week before class, you should read (most of) a chapter in my online statistics textbook. When you’re reading, please try out the examples using your own computer. You can skip the “optional” parts on your first reading, though you may need to run the R code in them in order to create/modify R objects used in other sections, and you may also need to look at these sections later to deal with special issues, including in graded homework questions. There will also be ungraded practice exercises each week that we will discuss together using the classroom computer.

        There will be three graded homeworks, which are like bigger versions of the weekly practice exercises. You will receive each graded homework two weeks before it is due, and it will cover topics that we have practiced in class up to that point. You can share ideas with your classmates, but you have to write up and hand in your own answers (email me clarification questions, and I’ll reply to all, while keeping you anonymous). Note that the exercises, graded homeworks and final report must all use Excel and/or R; for consistency (and to make sure that you’re really learning new things), other statistics programs are not allowed. The graded homeworks (and related files, if any), are due by email by 12 noon.

        At the end of the semester you’ll submit a brief report (10 pages max for the report itself, in English) analyzing your own data using statistical techniques that you learned in this class, including at least two from after the third graded homework (e.g., logistic regression, mixed-effects modeling, Bayesian modeling). The report can be based on something that you already wrote (as long as you never analyzed the data statistically before), or you can collect some new data to analyze. The grade will be based on your overall logic, reporting style, and use of statistics, not on the linguistic content. The report should be written like a normal linguistics paper (citing statistics in standard format, including graphs or tables), but also include an appendix (after the references) giving explicit information on how you did the statistical analyses (e.g., your R code), plus a text file with the data (anonymized to protect your secrets, if you like), and must be submitted (via email, by 5 pm on 6/15) as a PDF file (with your ID number as part of the filename). Obviously, do not hand in stuff late and do not plagiarize, or else suffer the consequences....



I will assume that you’ve read everything in each week’s chapter, except the optional sections. 






Why do linguists need statistics? [ch. 1]

2, 3.3


Data analysis software: Excel and R

[ch. 2: beginning to section 4.2]


Graphs and other software stuff

[ch. 2: section 4.3 to end]

4.4.3, 4.4.4, 5.3


Quantifying some familiar ideas:
Averages and variation [ch. 3]
[distribute homework 1]

2.4.1, 4.2, 4.3


Probability and hypotheses [ch. 4]

2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 4.3, 5.3



Discuss homework 1


Homework 1


Correlation and modeling [ch. 5]

2.4, 3.3.2-3, 4.2-4



Comparing two continuous variables:
t tests and beyond [ch. 6]
[distribute homework 2]

3.2-3, 4



Comparing category sizes: Chi-squared and related tests [ch. 7]

3.1.4, 3.2.3, 3.4, 4.2-3



Discuss homework 2


Homework 2


Comparing more than two continuous variables: Introduction to ANOVA [ch. 8]




More ANOVA: Repeated measures [ch. 9]
[distribute homework 3]

2.3.2, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3.2, 3.4



Modeling continuous variables:
Multiple regression [ch. 10]

2.4, 3.2.1, 3.3, 4.2.2


Discuss homework 3 and report plans

Homework 3


Modeling categorical variables:
Logistic regression [ch. 11]

2.6, 3.1-3, 4



Beyond ANOVA, regression, and chi-squared: Mixed-effects modeling [ch. 12]

2.4, 3.2, 4.1-3


The future of statistics: Bayesian modeling

[ch. 13] [last class]

2.2.3-4, 3.2-3


Statistical report due (email by 5 pm)




Some other statistics books:

Baayen, R. H. (2008). Analyzing linguistic data: A practical introduction to statistics using R. Cambridge University Press.

Brown, J. D. (1988). Understanding research in second language acquisition: A teacher’s guide to statistics and research design. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crawley, M. J. (2005). Statistics: An introduction using R. Wiley.

Dalgaard, P. (2002). Introductory statistics with R. Springer.

Eddington, D. (2015). Statistics for linguists: A step-by-step guide for novices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Gonick, L., & Smith, W. (1993). The cartoon guide to statistics. Harper Perennial. [鄭惟厚譯(2003)。看漫畫,學統計。天下遠見。]

Gries, S. T. (2013). Statistics for linguistics with R: A practical introduction (2nd edition). Berlin: De Gruyter. [1st edition is in our library]

Hatch, E. and Lazaraton, A. (1991). The research manual: Design and statistics for applied linguistics. Newbury House Publishers.

Jaisingh, L. (2000). Statistics for the utterly confused. McGraw-Hill.

Johnson, K. (2008). Quantitative methods in linguistics. Wiley.

Kruschke, J. K. (2011). Doing Bayesian data analysis. Academic Press.

Larson-Hall, J. (2015). A guide to doing statistics in second language research using SPSS and R (second edition). Routledge.

Levshina, N. (2015). How to do linguistics with R: Data exploration and statistical analysis. John Benjamins.

McGrayne, S. B. (2011). The theory that would not die: How Bayes’ rule cracked the Enigma code, hunted down Russian submarines, & emerged triumphant from two centuries of controversy. Yale University Press.

Navarro, D. (2014). Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. University of Adelaide ms.

Salsburg, D. (2001). The lady tasting tea: How statistics revolutionized science in the twentieth century. Henry Holt and Company. [薩爾斯伯格(2001)。統計,改變了世界。 天下文化。]

Spiegelhalter, D. (2019). The art of statistics: Learning from data. Pelican.

Vernoy, M., & Kyle, D. J. (2002). Behavioral statistics in action. McGraw-Hill.

Winter, B. (2019). Statistics for linguists: An introduction using R. Routledge.

Woods, A., Fletcher, P., & Hughes, A. (1986) Statistics in language studies. Cambridge University Press.


